First of all, my brothers and I had never been on a ride or ever been in Silver Dollar City before, so....
May 22nd
The drive down to Branson was great and uneventful thankfully!
When we got to the park we didn't know there was a back way for the musicians so we had to walk all the way through the park with our instruments! It was kind of embarrassing! :-)
We met up with the Bankester girls (Emily & Alysha), on the way down to the Opera house. We had a blast with them! We put the instruments in the trailer and then Emily and Alysha showed us kids around the park. We all (Nathan, Glen, Gage, the girls, and I), went on Fire In The Hole since it was practically a "baby ride"...I still didn't really like it. Nathan and Glen went with the girls on Wildfire....there was NO way I was going on it! The girls did convince me to go on The Giant Barn Swing that morning....Oh-my-goodness....uggg. I did NOT like it! It was the worst feeling I've ever had! (I am sorry for making you feel bad Emily!) I will NEVER ride a roller coaster and I don't care if people think I'm a sissy for it! :/
The first day of the competition went okay, though I felt that our practice that day went better then the performance. One of the neatest things about that day though, was that Sammy Shelor and Andy Ball from The Lonesome River Band (Bluegrass), were two of the judges! That was really neat!! They are great guys too! (The next day we watched their show, they are SO good!!)
May 23rd
We had a great day at the park just having fun and practicing for that day of the went way better then the first time! The crowd was a lot more responsive that day too, so that was nice.
The Bankester's had to leave that day. :'( It was a fun time with them though!! And I got to hold Melissa's baby!!
On Sunday night we (my family), went to the Meyer's condo to eat and have a jam. It was really fun. About half way through we all decided to sit on the floor...for some random reason! :-) It was a large jam too, and it mashed!!! Harry Clark and Mary Meyer were leaving me in the dust! :-) There was a banjo player (Lukas Pool) who played claw-hammer REALLY good! I'd never heard it played so good!
Here are the bands that placed:
1st: The Hillbender's
2nd: The Stockdale Family
3rd: JED AND HARRY CLARK BAND!!! (They are good friends of ours!)
4th: The Punches Family
5th: Southern Raised
Everybody did a great job!
May 24th
The boys and I got up early so we could go swimming at 7:00am at the pool in the area of where the Meyer's were staying. We swam with David and Mary Meyer...when we had gotten all wet, a guy pulled up and said the pool wasn't cleaned wonder the pool water tasted salty! :P
We got to the park and watched Gold Heart and The Boxcars. Great shows!! Everybody was SO nice!
It was also great to meet the rest of the Clark family!!
Well, I've been writing a while, and there is SO much more to tell but not enough time to tell it!! :-)
God bless you all!